How to request your professional access to our website?
As a professional or wholesaler, you can benefit from specific prices, payment and delivery conditions
It's very simple, just follow these steps :
- Create an account on this website
- Apply for a Pro account via our contact form
- That's all there is to it!
1. Create an account on this website
Simply click on the 'Login' button at the top right of the website, then follow the link 'No account? Create one' link below the login form.
When filling in your account information, don't forget to enter your company name and your Tax Identification Number (SIRET number for French business customers, or any business identification number for our foreign customers)
2. Apply for your pro account via our contact form
Select the subject 'Pro account application' in the 'Subject' drop-down list. Don't forget to attach a kBIS extract or equivalent to your application. Specify any information that you consider useful to send us in the message attached to your request.
3. We will examine your application quickly
As soon as your application is accepted, you will be informed by email.
All you have to do is log out of the site, log back in, and you'll have access to your professional rate!
If you encounter any problems during the creation of your account, do not hesitate to contact us.
(contact details for professionals at the bottom of the page)