Created in 2009, the Vignobles & Découvertes label is awarded by Atout France, on the recommendation of the Conseil Supérieur de l'Œnotourisme, for a period of three years. It distinguishes tourist and wine destinations offering a diverse range of complementary tourist products, such as accommodation, catering, cellar tours with tasting, museums and events. This label facilitates the organization of wine tourism stays by directing visitors to quality services.
Labeled destinations must offer a complete and coherent offer around the theme of the vineyard, adapted to short stays. They bring together various stakeholders: accommodation providers, restaurateurs, cellars, cultural sites, natural spaces, artisans, leisure activities, events and receptive structures, all committed to a quality approach in accordance with the label's usage regulations.
The main objective of Vignobles & Découvertes is to strengthen the visibility of wine destinations and reach new customers by developing the networking of professionals and promoting qualified products, in line with the expectations of tourists interested in wine tourism.
To date, more than 70 destinations in France benefit from this label, representing more than 5,000 service providers committed to this quality approach. This dynamic contributes to the structuring and promotion of the French wine tourism offer, thus strengthening the attractiveness of wine regions.